A large part of the holiday is a once-a-year dessert appropriately named the Moon Cake. Erik had several flavors of Moon Cake at work, but I only had the traditional version pictured here. The yellow, egg center represents the full moon. It is hard to describe the flavor. The outside is similar to a pie crust and the texture of the inside is very thick, like fudge. The egg center is not a egg yolk, but is made of egg and tasted like the rest, sort of a combination of peanut and maple flavor. I am sure what you are imagining is not how it actually tastes, but we are unable to describe it better. The funny thing about the Moon Cake is the Chinese emphatically exclaim how sweet it is, but to us, it was barely sweet at all. (Editing: I learned the tan filling in the moon cake is ground lotus seeds, which explains why it tasted similar to peanut butter.)