Yesterday we had a typhoon #8 and it lasted all day, so I got a nice, unexpected holiday. It was much needed. I have been rather frazzled lately. We are hosting a small party this weekend, and I was able to get ahead on all the party prep. Since shops were closed, I happily wasn’t able to run a bunch of errands. Erik had to go to work since Shenzhen isn’t affected by typhoons. It was nice to have time to putz around the apartment, go to the gym, and do some cooking. I feel totally refreshed as a result.
Now that August has arrived, I realize the past few months have been light on posts. I strive for twice a week or eight per month. Sometimes I struggle with what to post when we are gliding along in the groove of daily living. Also, I feel fairly well adapted to the culture differences, and Chinese life isn’t as surprising as when I first arrived. The in-laws will be visiting in late September, and I am eager to see Hong Kong through their eyes. Their perception will be a gauge of how much we have adapted.
The next few months will be a whirlwind. Preparations are well underway for our trip to the US for Laura’s wedding. Then we have the in-laws’ visit and shortly after are my two craft shows. We are trying to plan a trip at Christmas but are still in limbo. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Enjoy this calm moment and savor the anticipation of great things on the horizon.