Friday, May 9, 2008

Vacation Does A Body Good

We just returned from our Vietnam trip late last night. It was an exceptional vacation, and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. The areas we visited were a nice mix of bustling city life and rural mountain peacefulness, and as a result, we hiked, visited historical areas, shopped, ate, drank, and relaxed. Vietnam certainly felt like a foreign country and was less developed than other areas we have visited. I will post pictures and stories in the next few days. I guess I needed the vacation, because today at work, I have received so many compliments despite getting home past 11:00 p.m. last night. Here is a sampling:

“You look thin, have you lost weight?”
“You look tan.” (I stayed out of the sun)
“You look so well-rested.” (I slept a decent amount on the trip, but it was a very active week.)

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